Monday, February 23, 2009

Hi everyone. One month old and counting. Louden lost a bit of weight this week, but not enough to be alarmed. We are going to supplement a bit until he gains a little more weight. Otherwise he is doing great. We had a wonderful visit with Mom-Mom Cheryl (or is it Nana, Grandmom, Babchie, we haven't decided yet). All votes appreciated, as well as alternatives. Gigi is out, as Grandmom Gerrie gets that honor. We also got to meet Aunt Bridget, which was a blast. We had our first real outing, with lunch and everything, and he was a real trooper (i.e slept through the whole thing). Here are more recent pics, and I will post more soon. Love to everyone


tortaluga said...

OH MY GOD look at that belly!

i'm so jealous bridge got to meet the little guy. was that the same weekend i was meeting annabelle?

keep up the posting!

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment on the awesome belly too! So instead I'll comment on the hair. Just don't show any photos to Annabelle, as it took her a full year to get that much growth...

Can't wait to meet that precious munchkin!